Brand philosophy

Alchemy and D'ALCHÉMY

A few people may know that the word ‘laboratory’ dates back to the Middle Ages. Looking for a unique name for our new brand, we enthused about a philosophy which could be traced back to alchemists’ laboratories. A laboratory is where alchemists worked, and its name originates from two Latin words: labor (work) and oratorium (chapel), which were valued by the medieval forerunners of pharmaceutical sciences. In their lives and profession, alchemists were driven by a wonderful idea that is still dear to us nowadays: they strived for excellence, in harmony with nature and its eternal laws. They believed that a man was a microcosm, and the universe was a spiritual organism with one of its fundamental principles being the relation between the microcosm (man) and the macrocosm (universe). Alchemists always respected the laws of nature: they took care to serve nature but never to master it.

Nowadays, alchemy is a scientific, ethical and spiritual challenge to anyone who sets off on a treasure hunt in the world of matter and spirit. Alchemy contains all wisdom within itself. In its essence, it conveys the eternal human passion for excellence common to all cultures, the desire for inner peace and spiritual wisdom...

What do we have in common?

The alchemist philosophy is based on a holistic concept, where all elements of the universe are interrelated and interact with one another. Alchemists do not distinguish between ‘the material’ and ‘the spiritual’, they believe that these are two different expressions of the same being. A change in one realm triggers a change in the other, and there is no way to influence any one of them without the other. Alchemists strive to master the principles and skill of ‘transmutation’ – transformation of the ordinary into the excellent. The transformation occurs in a process in which impurities are removed and what remains is beautiful and precious. Alchemists approach their work showing respect and humility to everything they come across: the substances and tools they use, the methods they develop, and above all the THING they are improving.

Alchemists see nature as an essential and endless source. Nature is where the substances they need, their knowledge and inspirations come from. Nature means good and wisdom that the alchemists want to learn about and take part in. This is what alchemy and D'ALCHÉMY have in common.

What sets us apart?

Medieval alchemists did not always know how to explain the chemical and physical phenomena they initiated in their laboratories. Or, even if they had this knowledge, they did not share it, fearing that they would not be understood. The times they lived in were different from ours. They conducted their research alone, and did not publish their results or share their formulae. They archived their studies and discoveries using symbols, metaphors, ciphers and codes. As a result, it would be hard to recreate their achievements today, let alone to verify them scientifically. In this respect, D'ALCHÉMY is completely different from the medieval alchemy.

All ingredients of D'ALCHÉMY cosmetics are scientifically tested. We know which substances contained in natural raw ingredients are effective and we understand the mechanisms of how they affect the human body, and especially skin cells. We at D'ALCHÉMY understand the processes occurring in vegetable substances during the manufacture of cosmetics, and with complex state-of-the-art technology, we can also control the process parameters with pinpoint accuracy.

And, last but not least, D'ALCHÉMY does not hide anything. We share our knowledge with our customers. This is a show of respect for nature from which we draw and for those who use our cosmetics.

This is the difference between D'ALCHÉMY and alchemy.

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